This is a game designed for Cody to improve visuospatial skills to help with motion sickness! I chose to publish it in case it might help anyone else.

Motion sickness is caused by your inner ear (which is responsible for your sense of balance) saying one thing, and your eyes/brain saying "I don't think that's right, we must be poisoned, better throw up!".

A 2020 study by Dr. Joseph Smyth1 showed that motion sickness is linked to spatial reasoning skills, and that those skills can be trained! We had some success using puzzle books, but those quickly ran out, so I wrote this website to auto-generate puzzles. So far we have two types of puzzles, and we hope to add more in the future! Email me if there's a new type of puzzle you'd like to see.

This hasn't made the motion sickness go away, but it has made a noticeable difference, which can be the difference between "I'm gonna vom, I want to die" and "I am significantly uncomfortable". It has also allowed Cody to play complex 3D video games, like Outer Wilds, which was impossible before.

Here are some other motion sickness mitigations that have had similar results. For Cody, nothing has made it completely go away, but many of these have helped reduce the acuteness. They are also all best used preventatively. Once the illness train starts, there's no stopping it.

Everyone responds differently. Some people report their sickness as being completely solved by just one of these, while other treatments have no effect for them. Try and see what works for you!

1 Joseph Smyth, Paul Jennings, Peter Bennett, Stewart Birrell,
A novel method for reducing motion sickness susceptibility through training visuospatial ability – A two-part study,
Applied Ergonomics,
Volume 90,
ISSN 0003-6870,
View on doi.org,
View on sciencedirect.com,
Keywords: Human factors; Motion sickness; Driving simulator; Carsickness; Visuospatial; Mental rotation
